You should definitely make good use of your free time because you only have 80 years on average
I am a qualified leisure engineer with a diploma and a master’s degree. This site is aimed at all leisure orientated visitors. Time is too short to be too serious. Right?
A passion for creating thinks
It is important to go through life with an open mind and to try new things, make mistakes and learn from them. I have a lot of plans for 2024. Here is a brief overview of how I organise my free time and what I will be focusing on in 2024
Gardening work
The garden offers relaxation, good food and gardening is of course also a sporting activity
RC airplane models
You learn a lot about aerodynamics and can train your brain and reactions when flying
Wakeboard riding
Good for the body and mind. New goals and challenges every season
Amateur radio and citizen band
Technically very appealing and communicative activity with social contacts in all countries of the world
Project Management
New projects are always important. These must be managed in order to be successful. This website is a new project for example
Important for telling visual stories. Analogue photography but also digital photography
Work is important it should be fun
I recognised this relatively early on and have basically lived by it for the last 20 years. Work and money are important companions in life, but not everything
Enjoy your leisure time
- Take a break from your work and relax
- Find good leisure activities
- Find the best mix between work and leisure
Turn leisure time into business
- You have a good idea which is fun for you
- Can you develop a business model out of it?
- Then just get started and don’t hesitate
“Anyone who does not have two thirds of his day for himself is a slave”
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